Theatre, Dance, Opera

Caterpillar - Theatre 503


Theatre 503

Directed by Yasmeen Arden

Designed by Holly Pigott

Costumes by Holly Pigott

Sound by Jac Cooper


Bayview is the only B&B closed for business on the busiest weekend of the year in this faded seaside town.

Greasy fish n chips, sticks of rock and pot-bellied Spiderman is throwing himself off the pier. The annual ‘Birdman’ competition is in full flight.

Caterpillar is a darkly funny, searing and tender drama about when we find ourselves standing on the edge, do we dare to step off? 


"Jac Cooper’s sound and Ben Jacobs’ lighting come together perfectly to bookmark each scene" - The Guardian

“Ben Jacobs’ coloured lights seeps through the walls’ wooden panels hinting at the time of day, particularly during scene transitions and Claire’s bookending monologues.” - The Stage

Ben Jacobs' lighting design is sensual and considerate.” - The Spy in the Stalls

“Lighting designer Ben Jacobs expertly captures the warmth and time changes of the day, from brightly lit living room to the golden morning sun seeping through wooden blinds.” - The Upcoming

As for the set design by Holly Pigott and Ben Jacobs’ lighting, like a Monet painting, they convey completely different moods and psychological states, depending on the time of day. - Breaking the Fourth Wall


Photo Credit: Scott Rylander